DIY Kits

My turnaround time is applicable to DIY kits just as it applies to pieces I make. I do not carry every single item on hand and thus turn around time varies by supplier, typically 1-4 weeks.

DIY Kits include everything you need to make your keepsake jewelry. They come separated into two different packets, one for preserving milk (if applicable), and one to make your stones!

Preserving Milk

What's included: 

• 1 packet of preservation powder 

• 1 empty bag to put the crushed milk when finished

• wooden mixing sticks

• instructions

Check out this video on YouTube to watch how I preserve breastmilk!

*Helpful Hints:
~Turn your stove to medium heat. You don't want all of your milk to evaporate before you pour in the powder.
~Use the smallest pan you have as the quantity of milk is very little.



To be continued...